In keeping with tradition, we will celebrate the feast of our Patron saint of Assumption Parish at the Masses listed below. In addition, the traditional Rosary procession (walk) will be on Tuesday, Aguust 15th. Please meet at the Church entrace at 5:00 PM. We will process on the Church grounds and pray the Rosary. Those who are not able to walk the procession may go directly into church and pray the Rosary, seated, at 5:00 PM. Mass will be celebrated at 5:30 PM in Church with a potluck meal immediately following in the Church Acitivtiy Center (lower level of the church).
We ask that everyone attending the potluck please bring a dish to pass.
Feast of The Assumption Mass Schedule
Monday, August 14: Vigil Mass-5:30 PM
Tuesday, August 15
- Mass – 9:00 AM
- Rosary Walk – 5:00 PM (5:00 PM Rosary in church as well)
- Mass – 5:30 PM
- Potluck Celebration after Mass in the Church Activity Center