
Welcome to Assumption Parish

Our Mission

Enlightened by the Holy Spirit, we, the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commit to know, love, and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. With Mary, our mother and model, we will proclaim the gospel, serve others and welcome all to the family of God.

Our Mission

Enlightened by the Holy Spirit, we, the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commit to know, love, and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. With Mary, our mother and model, we will proclaim the gospel, serve others and welcome all to the family of God.

Rooted in Christ Meeting for All

Town Hall Meeting Sunday, January 5, after 11:00 am Mass Church Activity Center (church basement) As Bishop Walkowiak announced earlier this year, it has been more than a decade since the Diocese of Grand Rapids underwent a pastoral planning process. It is now time to create an updated plan to assess more intentionally the needs and resources of our local church, along with exploring opportunities for growth and evangelization. The process involves data collection, parish visits, and dialogue to identify challenges and opportunities facing our parishes, schools, and the diocese. On Sunday, January 5, after the 11:00 am Mass we will have a town…
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