Sacramental Preparation Minsitries


The preparation process normally begins in the Seventh Grade is a two year process. Confirmation takes place at the end of the Eighth Grade. There is also a program for those who are already in high school. The Sacrament of Confirmation impresses the candidates with a special character and are enriched by the gift of […]

Baptism Preparation

The baptismal program is designed to assist parents and godparents who are preparing for the baptism of an infant at Assumption Parish. Other family members are also welcome to participate. The preparation session and the catechetical resources used generally focus on three main aspects: Understanding the significance of Baptism (theological aspect) Celebrating Baptism (liturgical dimension) […]

Marriage Preparation

In preparation for the sacrament of Marriage, there are a number of requirements the engaged couple must fulfill in addition to meeting with the parish priest or deacon. The Marriage candidates must attend at least one Natural Family Planning class as well as meet with a married sponsor couple for a series of five meetings. […]