Usher’s Club

Ushers greet people warmly, help people sit together, pass out programs or worship aids, take up the collection, help maintain good order during Holy Communion and distribute bulletins following the liturgy. All members of the outlying areas of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary community are welcome to participate in this ministry.

All men and women 18 years and older are invited to join. The mission of the Usher’s Club is to fulfill the weekly duties of the church, including seating assistance at all Masses, offertory gift presentation and distribution of the Parish bulletin after each Mass. The ushers raise funds for the parish through their annual apple pie sale. They provide a pizza party for the altar servers each year. This Club meets the last Thursday of the month in the Church Activity Center.

For more information or to volunteer to be an usher at the ABVM Church, please email John Schwartz.