Liturgical Minsitries


These indispensable and special individuals work closely with the Pastor and Worship Committee to maintain the sacred dignity of the church proper, the chapel and the sacristies. Duties include: open and close the church for Mass and special liturgies set-up for and clean up after each rite care for and maintain all liturgical objects replace […]

Mass Rosary

Weekend rosary leaders begin the rosary in the Church prior to Mass. Please come early and share the graces promised by our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. For more information about the rosary at 8:30 AM before the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass contact Mary Gelderbloom 616-866-0525. For more information about the rosaries Saturday 5:00PM & […]

Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held on Thursday from 7:30 AM until Friday at 7:00 AM in the chapel. There is always a need for those willing to commit to one hour segments through the day and night. For more information contact Mary Ann Hurst 616-813-0390

Collection Counters

The Collection Counters mission is to count the weekly parish collection in a timely and accurate basis and to ensure that monies collected are taken safely to a banking institution for safekeeping. Collection Counters are on a rotating schedule and are scheduled approximately once every 6 weeks. The coordinator makes a schedule quarterly and distributes […]

Art & Environment

This committee is responsible for decorating the church all year and for special times in the church including Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Lent & Easter, special feast days and ordinary time. Involvement includes: decorating, flower arranging, banner making, watering & care of plants. For more information contact Eleanor Bereza 616-784-4591

Altar Linens

Volunteers wash and iron the hand cloths, purificators, amice, and corporals used in church. These items require special handling. Volunteers alternate monthly commitments. For more information contact Meg Frodl 616-361-7988

Housekeepers for the Lord

The purpose of the Housekeepers for the Lord, is to help with the light housekeeping of our Church. Housekeepers of the Lord are volunteers crews of 4 people usually work on a Friday or Saturday morning for 1-2 hours approximately every seven weeks. Special cleaning dates are scheduled in preparation for Easter and Christmas. If […]

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

The purpose of  Children’s Liturgy of the Word is twofold: to form children in a quality liturgical experience and to facilitate the proclamation of Scripture into the child’s life.  The celebrations of these liturgies are intended to form children in the liturgical language of the church, to nourish and guide their spiritual growth, and to immerse them […]

Worship Screen Helpers

The Worship Screen helper helps show the Word of God during Mass, allowing all to see and absorb the message. Worship Screen helpers manipulate the screens at the front and back of church so that the participants can follow along. Anyone interested in serving as a Worship Screen helper at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin […]

Usher’s Club

Ushers greet people warmly, help people sit together, pass out programs or worship aids, take up the collection, help maintain good order during Holy Communion and distribute bulletins following the liturgy. All members of the outlying areas of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary community are welcome to participate in this ministry. All men […]

Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the presiding priest with various details so that he may give full attention to presiding at the liturgy. The various tasks include assisting the presider with the Sacramentary, helping to set the altar table with the necessary vessels, and handling candles, incense, the processional cross and other sacramentals. Boys and girls 4th […]


The Lector proclaims the Word of God during Mass, allowing all to hear and absorb the Holy Scriptures. Lectors proclaim the Scriptures so that they command the rightful attention and reverence of all gathered. Anyone interested in serving as a Lector at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church please contact us today. For more […]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Many community members are needed to help in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during the Communion Rite. Those who assist the presider in the distribution of Holy Communion bring to their service a deep faith in the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, a prayerful heart, a reverence for those […]