
Grades 1st through 7th use the Christ our Life series to help the children learn and assimilate their faith into their daily lives by learning God’s Word. It helps children discover that Jesus is the center of our lives.

At the heart of the program is the integration of doctrine, Scripture and Tradition. Christ Our Life encourages prayer and invites children into a deeper personal relationship with Christ. The program recognizes the family is essential for the spiritual growth of children and provides tools that help families turn a learned faith into a lived faith. Children who learn with Christ Our Life are fully catechized, with a secure knowledge of the faith and with the mind and heart to serve God’s Kingdom.

Each unit begins with a Scripture passage that connects the unit theme to the Bible. The Children know the Bible as God’s Word. They begin and end each lesson with a prayer that connects what they learn with the presence of Jesus in their lives. They will also have opportunities for communal prayer as well as individual. Family resources help families and children learn together. Resources include: Building Family Faith, Things to Do at Home, Reach Out and Family Features.

Class Times

First Grade

First Graders can choose to attend Faith Formation classes on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:30 PM. Through learning of the goodness of God, and the love of Jesus, the children respond to God in friendship and prayer. View the overview of the entire year here.

Students need to be six-years-old by September 1st or in the First Grade at their regular school to enter. First Grade is a prerequisite for receiving the Sacraments in 2nd Grade.

Click here for more information about CGS.

Second Grade

Second Grade classes are offered on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30 PM.  The preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion begins in First Grade and the Sacraments normally take place in the Second Grade. Weekly attendance in the First and Second Grade Faith Formation classes is part of the preparation process.

For an overview of the year, click here.

Grades 3-5

Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades meet on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30 PM.

3rd Grade overview of the year, click here.

4th Grade overview of the year, click here.

5th Grade overview of the year, click here

Missed Class Policy

If a class is missed, the student can go to Loyola University Press: Christ our Life for the make up. Simply click here and follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Grade and the Chapter that was missed.
  2. Take the test after reading the chapter with a parent.
  3. Email the test to the parent who will then forward the email to the child’s Catechist or the Faith Formation Director.

To find out more about what your child is learning each week, go to the Home Learning Guide for the specific Grade and Chapter your child is on.

For Grades 6, 7 & 8, please see the Middle School Faith Formation page.