Order of Christian Initiation for Children
The OCIC is a sacramental program for children over the age of seven and teens. It is designed for children and teens who would like to be prepared to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism – if they have not been baptized as infants – Confirmation, and First communion as members of the Catholic Church at Assumption Parish. It also includes preparation and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). If your child would like to celebrate the sacraments and be involved in the faith life of the Assumption community with you, we welcome your child in the OCIC.
Sessions are held once a week on Thursdays and start in September, after Labor Day. If your child needs one of the Sacraments that he/she may have missed, contact Cheryl Sokolowski at (616) 361-5126 ex. 257 or ffd@assumptionbvm.com
For more information or if you are new to the parish, and want to register, call 361-5126, ext. 257.